< ORI - Opportunities and Resources, Inc.


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ORI's Admission Committee requires a completed application form and the submission of the following reports to process the individual's application for ORI's day and residential programs:

* Psychological evaluation, current up to a year from admission
* Psychiatric evaluations/reports, if any
* Educational evaluations, if any
* Day program evaluations / reports, if any
* Social History / Summary, if any
* Vocational evaluations/reports, if any
* Residential evaluations / reports, if any
* Medical History / Information / Care Plans
* Rehabilitation / Therapy Progress Reports, if applicable
* Any additional information that indicates level of care and
services needed and program service eligibility

Reports or information beyond one (1) year from admission may be submitted as historical information on the applicant.

A pre-screening personal interview is part of the application review and will be scheduled upon submission of the application and required reports and information.


Depending on the program which the applicant applies for and/or qualifies for, additional information and forms may need to be completed. Residential admission have additional requirements.

For more information, please contact ORI's Program Intake Office at (808) 622-3929 or email helemano808@hawaii.rr.com.